As Adrian discussed last May in “The Future of America is Not an App,” many entrepreneurs are very knowledgeable about engineering and product development, but they lack the skills and expertise in one critical area to scale their companies: logistics and supply chain management. In this episode, Adrian interviews Jordan Kivelstadt, Founder and CEO of Free Flow Wines, on why entrepreneurs must include logistics capabilities in their business plan and strategy.
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About Jordan Kivelstadt
Jordan founded Free Flow Wines with Dan Donahoe in 2009 and has been leading the growth of the business since the beginning. Jordan was trained as an engineer at Tufts University before moving on to management consulting for over two years. In 2006, Jordan began his career in the wine industry as production manager for The Donum Estate. Since then he has made wine in four countries, founded his own bottle brand called Kivelstadt Cellars, manages his family’s organic 10-acre vineyard and continues to innovate in the industry he loves.
About Free Flow Wines
Free Flow Wines was founded in 2009 by two wine-industry veterans and a restaurateur who wanted to innovate beyond the bottle and give wine lovers a better glass of wine, by eliminating spoiled & oxidized wine. They developed the Free Flow Wines system, a process of kegging, preserving and serving wine on tap that has been vetted and approved by the world’s most respected wineries. Based in Napa, California, Free Flow Wines is both the pioneer and leader in the wine on tap movement.