supply chain

Artificial intelligence

Editor’s Pick: What Does “AI” Even Mean?

Note: Today’s post is part of our “Editor’s Pick” series where we highlight recent posts published by our sponsors that provide practical knowledge and advice

Autumnal foliage

An Anniversary I Won’t Celebrate

Ten years ago today, on October 4, 2011, my oldest daughter Hannah was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) at age 11. As I wrote

Delivery box on the back of a scooter

Is Every Company a Delivery Company?

I’ve commented several times about Meg Whitman’s statement a few years ago that “every company is a technology company.” Back in July, for example, I

INFLATION on red background

Inflation Across the Supply Chain

If you do a Google search on “inflation,” you get back more than 46 million hits, with many news items published in just the last

