Building Supply Chain Talent for 2050 [CSCMP Annual Conference Preview]

How do you prepare yourself, your team, and your company for the challenges of the future? In this small group based session collaborate with industry leaders and your peers to discuss how to prepare your talent for the challenges the supply chain of 2050 will bring.

That is the description for the “Building Talent for 2050” session that I will moderate at the upcoming CSCMP 2015 Annual Conference (September 27-30 in San Diego, CA). Angie Freeman, Chief Human Resources Officer at C.H Robinson, and Michelle GodwinDirector of Fulfillment at, will join me on stage to share their perspective and expertise on the topic, and to lead breakout table discussions with attendees.

  • What future challenges will supply chain and logistics professionals face in the years ahead?
  • What skills and experiences will be critical for success? How do you develop and gain those important skills and experiences?
  • What are the attributes of an effective mentor? How do you foster effective teamwork, collaboration, and communication between young professionals and executives?
  • Once you find and hire the best talent, how do you best develop and retain them?

Those are just some of the questions that we will discuss, along with questions and topics raised by you, the attendees. In the true spirit of peer-to-peer learning, this will be a PowerPoint light session. We will spend the majority of the time in small group discussions led by Angie, Michelle, and me — and we will rotate the groups, so you will have the opportunity to learn and network with different leaders and attendees.

So, if you’re attending this year’s CSCMP Annual Conference (and you should because it’s one of the premiere learning and networking events in the industry), mark your calendars and join us on Tuesday, September 29 from 3:45 PM – 5:00 PM in Room 1B to discuss, learn, and gain insights on how to prepare yourself, your team, and your company for the supply chain challenges of the future.

In the meantime, to stimulate some ideas and questions, here are some posts related to the topic:

P.S. If you’d like to schedule a time to meet while at the conference, please contact me. I always welcome the opportunity to meet new friends and catch up with old ones to discuss industry trends and topics.




