Addressing the “White Spaces” in Supply Chain Planning
One of the trends I’ve been writing and talking about is how the clockspeeds of every industry are accelerating and how companies are having a
One of the trends I’ve been writing and talking about is how the clockspeeds of every industry are accelerating and how companies are having a
In case you’re wondering, I did get selected as a juror this week. I’m now 4 for 4 — four times called for jury duty,
Author’s note: I have jury duty today. The last time I reported for jury duty, seven years ago this month, I got selected as a
I’m in New Orleans this week speaking at the Command Alkon ELEVATE 2017 conference. I’ll share my takeaways in a future post, but in the
My daughter and I are heading on a road trip this afternoon to visit a couple of universities. 13 hours of total driving time over
Many transportation and logistics software companies were launched in the late 1990s and early 2000s, during the height of the dotcom era, but very few
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