Above the Fold: Supply Chain Logistics News (February 21, 2020)
How’s my week been? I’m a little poorer, but no broken bones. I skied down a mountain, I skied through a forest, I skated ovals on icewithout
How’s my week been? I’m a little poorer, but no broken bones. I skied down a mountain, I skied through a forest, I skated ovals on icewithout
Why aren’t there any B batteries? I heard a comedian ask that question in a YouTube video. We have AA and AAA batteries, and C
I’m at the West Point Military Academy this morning to pick up my son who spent the week there participating in the Summer Leaders Experience
Which candy is mentioned the most in songs? The answer is M&Ms. But which candy came in second? That was the “mind twister” question the
I’m back from vacation. Well, back physically. Getting back mentally has been a very slow process. My family and I spent more than a week
Every Friday on Talking Logistics, I share a list of supply chain and logistics news that caught my attention that week, along with some brief
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