This Week in Logistics News (January 27-31, 2014)
Atlanta. 2 inches of snow. I was trying to come up with something witty to say, but then I came across this article by Rebecca
Atlanta. 2 inches of snow. I was trying to come up with something witty to say, but then I came across this article by Rebecca
News this weekend from Reuters that the U.S. Justice Department is investigating Honeywell’s import and export processes because the company included Chinese parts in equipment
I learned a new term this week: Polar Vortex. I also learned that if you toss boiling water into -40C air it turns to snow.
Same-day delivery (or is it shipping?) and global trade dominated the news this week, so let’s take a look. Home Depot To Offer Same Day
As discussed in the post on Transportfolio, everyone knows the chorus of “American Pie.” Each member of your organization only needs to know the “chorus”
Starting on July 9, 2013, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) will begin the liquidated damages phase of Importer Security Filing (ISF) enforcement. According to
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