[Video] Order Orchestration: Enabling Agility in the Supply Chain
We hear a lot about the importance of having an “agile” supply chain, especially in the context of disruptions like the pandemic or the Suez
We hear a lot about the importance of having an “agile” supply chain, especially in the context of disruptions like the pandemic or the Suez
If you do a Google search on “inflation,” you get back more than 46 million hits, with many news items published in just the last
A consumer buys two different shirt sizes online and returns the one that doesn’t fit. A retailer returns pallets of unsold merchandise back to the
There is a lot of discussion today about supply chain transformation, most of it focused on the consumer goods and retail industries, but there are
Commercialization strategies evolve, supply chains expand, and production rates accelerate. The only way to take control of your future is to double down on quality. Product quality directly impacts the profitability of a company.
I’ve been an industry analyst for over 20 years and achieving timely and accurate supply chain visibility has always been — and continues to be — a top priority for companies across all industries.
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