Using Managed Analytics to Build a Next-Generation Supply Chain
For years, supply chain leaders have struggled to achieve a sophisticated level of supply chain visibility that would drive continuous improvement, optimize spend and reduce
For years, supply chain leaders have struggled to achieve a sophisticated level of supply chain visibility that would drive continuous improvement, optimize spend and reduce
It’s December 1, the beginning of the end of 2017. How did we get here so fast? The mad dash begins to finish all the
Supply chain and logistics professionals face many challenges, including drowning in data! This is especially true in transportation management, as companies work across many modes,
One of the trends I’ve been writing and talking about is how the clockspeeds of every industry are accelerating and how companies are having a
Drones are enabling organizations to use employees more efficiently and improve inventory accuracy in a world where consumers want everything cheap and now. Every company
In case you’re wondering, I did get selected as a juror this week. I’m now 4 for 4 — four times called for jury duty,
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