Latest Insights

How Big is the Same-Day Delivery Market?

Same-day delivery continues to generate a lot of buzz in the industry. Check out the following developments in just the past few months: Macy’s, Inc.

Why Are Companies Replacing Their TMS?

I’ve been researching the Transportation Management Systems (TMS) market for over 16 years, and a few years ago I noticed a trend: early adopters replacing

Don’t Confuse Excellence with Perfection

For a long time, one of my favorite corporate taglines was Lexus’ “The relentless pursuit of perfection.” The word relentless invokes passion and commitment, which

Convergence Background, Converge Toward Objective

Convergence is the Word for 3PLs

I’m at the MercuryGate User Conference today, where later this afternoon I’ll be moderating a panel session with executives from leading third-party logistics providers. One of the

