Above the Fold : Supply Chain Logistics News (March 26, 2021)
Ship happens. And there’s nothing AI, ML, or blockchain can do about it. You either wait in traffic or take the long way around if
Ship happens. And there’s nothing AI, ML, or blockchain can do about it. You either wait in traffic or take the long way around if
How’s the weather on Mars? For many here on Earth, especially in Texas, it’s been unusually cold and snowy, leading to all sorts of hardships
How crazy would it be to launch an online video talk show focused on supply chain and logistics? I asked myself that question while cross
I spent two hours yesterday shoveling a foot of snow from my driveway, steps, and sidewalk. I managed to clear only 85% of it. My
Why join Indago? Here’s a reason given by one of our members, the Director of Freight & Warehousing at $1B+ Food & Beverage Company: “I
So far this year, I’ve spent over 160 hours on a bicycle, traveled 2,744 miles, and climbed almost 155,000 feet. The best statistic, however, is
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