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What’s Top of Mind for Industry Leaders in 2015?
I have been fortunate for the last 6 years to be involved in an organization called Supply Chain Leaders in Action (SCLA) – an organization of over 60 of the largest distribution-oriented and logistics companies in the US. Every year, these senior supply chain leaders get together in January. One of the sessions is a polling exercise to gauge their opinions on a number of key business and supply chain questions. The answers to several of the questions got my attention and point to a changing mindset for industry executives.
One of the more interesting questions asked the executives present what they would do to their supply chains to drive growth of their business. The largest response, by almost 2-1, was “provide value-added services.” Another interesting question asked the executives where they would focus their time. The most frequent answer was “developing and implementing strategy” followed closely by “improving the velocity and agility of operations and capabilities.”
There was no surprise that “strategy” was important to the executives — that’s what they are supposed to do. Achieving growth has always been a tough question for supply chain executives, but here there was greater consensus that value-added services are the way to do it. Equally, it should not be a surprise that “velocity and agility” were also a top focus as they are critical to create value-added services, especially differentiated ones.
The implications to me for all supply chain executives are clear:
If the sentiment of the SCLA executives holds true, the role of the supply chain value-added services in 2015 will continue to increase in their importance to companies as part of their growth strategies. More than ever, the digitization of the supply chain will provide companies with the services to create that differentiated value. The challenge for all supply chain executives will be to leverage the right technologies to keep pace with the customer-facing supply chain change that will be coming from industry leaders.
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